Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cheyenne has started to roll over this past week. She is getting so big so fast.
She likes to roll over, but then gets mad that she is stuck on her stomach.

Kolt graduated from Kindegarten, here is a little video of that.

Monday, April 6, 2009

April Snow!

In front of the garage.
Todd, pushing snow early in the morning to get ready for the day.

Working Heifers

I fed everyone in the Garage, so that I didnt have such a mess in the house!!! Everyone had plenty of food and very much enjoyed all the Rolls Trudy sent out!!

Todd and Brent in the Stalls working.

Looking at the Heifers comming up the larger alley

jason hard at work, giving shots and moving heifers up the alley way, Megan supervising :)

This is inside the barn, Justin is taking his turn at opening the front door, jerry is in the stall.

This is the heater in the trailer, look at the steam off of Wyatts wet coveralls!

We set a stock trailer next to the barn, so they could go to rest and warm up a little.

This is the Alley way going into the barn, they put a tarp over the top to help break the wind

This is the A.I. barn, looking at the front of it.

Wyatt B Ball

Well Wyatt got to play in his first basketball tournament this year at Stuart, they took home 3rd place, he had a blast he did that in March. Here are a couple of pictures.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

These 2 pics are of the Geese on Norms pond by Gross NE........I guess Todd saw more than this on it the other day, said the hillside was black with geese!

Here is a new pic of the boettcher gang!! The boys still think cheyenne is the best....she is really growing and packing on the pounds! The boys are loving calving season, Garrett is always anxious to go and check cows for dad :) Mainly so he can drive the 4 wheeler??? Wyatt is also a big help with the cattle and helping dad, Kolt likes to stay in a help mom :)